14th Annual Financial Four'um
Date: Thursday, October 27, 2022
Time: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Location: Watch Parties with a Virtual Option
Speaker: Various

The 14th Annual Financial “Four”um will be held at Watch Parties throughout the region, wth a Virtual option, on Thursday, October 27 from 7:45 am – 4:00 pm followed by happy hour.
Wait. Watch Parties? YES!
You may choose to attend, live, in person, a watch party hosted by a partner in downtown Pittsburgh, or north, south, or east of the city, aka the suburbs. These watch parties will be held in members’ conference rooms or offices. The Virtual presentations will be interactive with the watch parties via Q & A, chat, contests and feedback throughout the day and happy hour.
There will also be specific time in the schedule for virtual Partner tables so you may meet and chat with each partner to learn valuable information from our fantastic partners.
Wait. I live far away. Can I still attend via Zoom? YES! A completely virtual option via Zoom is available.
Wait. Is there a cost? YES! Here is the how much:
FPA and EPC Members - $145*
*All FPA and NAEPC Members may attend at the Member rate regardless of Chapter Affiliation. We welcome our members from around the country.
Non members and guests - $175
Full-time College Students – no charge
Wait. Will there be CE? YES! Up to 6 CFP, PA CLE, PA CPE and PA Insurance credits are pending.
Hang on and buckle up because it is going to be a lot of fun with CE thrown in!
Register at www.fin4Um.com or at this link