“What Indigenous Wisdom, the Far Side, and Saturday Night Live can teach us about being better fiduciaries.”
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What determines the quality of a trust’s decision-making outcomes? Are great trustees born or made? How effective is traditional fiduciary training in preparing trustees?
Fiduciary is old school…Behavioral Governance is the new. Behavioral Governance is a new body of research that studies the interrelationships between leadership, stewardship, and governance. It helps to explain why some trustees fail despite the best efforts of the estate planning attorney.
The goal of being a better leader, steward, and decision-maker for our family, clan, community, and society is as old as the written and spoken language. Indeed, Indigenous wisdom often does a better job of illuminating fiduciary concepts than most regulations. And when we consider an after-dinner speech on fiduciary responsibility, serving up humor is the perfect digestifs.
Presented by Don Trone, GFS
5:30 pm ~ Cash Bar
6:00 pm ~ Dinner is served
7:30 pm ~ Event concludes
Approved for 1 CLE, 1 CFP and 1 CPE credit.
Guests and prospective members are welcome!